Advanta Tax Consulting

Read 3 Reviews of Advanta Tax Consulting to check if it is legit.

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3 years ago

Awesome results, my tax debt went from 250,000 to 3,000. Thank you so much Advanta Tax Consulting.


4 years ago

I absolutely hate change, but I am so glad I did. My previous CPA started making me seem like a number and not really saving me anything. Out on my evening walk I poked my head into Advanta Tax Consulting and asked to make a appt.. Well I got in and the rest is history and I couldn't be more happier and love my relationship of 2 years now and they are handling my business's and personal.


5 years ago

If you're into maximizing your tax returns, look no further. A coworker introduced me to Maria at Advanta Tax Consulting three years ago insisting that I have her do my taxes. At the time I thought people who used CPA's were lazy, but after hearing how much money she had saved him, we gave her a try. It didn't take us long to realize people who use CPA's aren't lazy, they're smart, really smart. She got us so much more than my estimations. Needless to say, Maria has prepared our taxes ever since and always will. Not only does she crush it on tax returns, she's brilliant, timely, and is willing to answer any and all of my questions and she's super kind. I can't recommend Advanta Tax Consulting enough.

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