
Read 1 Review of AlbumFrame to check if it is legit.

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4 weeks ago

I really like the product! The print quality is amazing!! I did not expect it to be so sharp and rigid. The material is super strong and solid. you seriously need a sledgehammer if you even want to have a chance breaking it. I tried scratching the print just out of curiosity and I couldn't even get a dent in it. If you really wanted to scratch it, you need a sharp kitchen knife haha. I already ordered my second AlbumFrame. It's an original product and it really adds to my space!!

The customer service is outstanding. I had a few questions about the product and I had no issues at all communicating with them. I asked how they printed the images on it. They use laser printing apparently. Which is a really solid method of printing. Yes I googled it xD.

My overall experience with the company and the product is excellent. I'll definitely order more frames in the future!!

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