American European

Read 3 Reviews of American European to check if it is legit.

Website & Phone: PO Box 1923 Hicksville 11802 United States

1 year ago

What's crazy about this company is that they require people to do a specific job and expect a different result. Also, aside from working with a very stressful environment, you are forced to do certain task that are supposed to be handled by three or more different people because they are always understaffed. Employees are severely underpaid and management never gives the compensation a second thought.


1 year ago

Tried filing a claim with them but they have not given me any feedback so far. Long processes and yet I am still not sure when my issue will be addressed.I do not recommend them. Keep away.


1 year ago

I contacted them to get insurance for my car. I was taken through their process and was assured that I would be getting my insurance. I waited and after sometime I made follow ups which were ignored. When someone finally got back to me, I was told that my insurance issue was still under process. I was already done waiting and decided to look for an alternative company.

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