BDO North Bay Debt Solutions

Read 4 Reviews of BDO North Bay Debt Solutions to check if it is legit.

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2 years ago

BDO was the best decision for me at the time in my life where all seemed so frustrating. The person I met with was understanding, sympathetic and caring to my needs. She explained the process to me in detail. Any questions were answered and taken care either over the phone or in person.


2 years ago

Had no issues, worked well with me.


2 years ago

This was a feeling of " death – like. My contact person made me feel this was the right decision . Taking some of the guilt I felt and comparing the end result to his experience with other clients . More paperwork came after the discharge . Prompt attention from BDO fixed the issues . Today another question came up on my part . Again a prompt answer from staff . I must add the sincere kindness of the secretary gave your company extra Starr's .


3 years ago

Very thorough and professional.

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