
Read 1 Review of Brungle to check if it is legit.

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2 years ago

Avoid Money Grabbing Poundtoy
I should let other people know of these sharp tongued money grabbing uncivil acrimonious so and so`s….
This experience should be shared, as Poundtoy are the most awful individuals to deal with, especially when you receive "VERY LATE" below par, bad quality merchandise. When you contact them to question the shipping times and again for all the products quality and the pricing, you receive an unreasoning attitude. Very Rude ! unhelpful, in fact spiteful to say the least. I expect an acceptable standard for anything I buy with hard earned money, not below par rubbish ! especially when you spend a lot of money. Plus, at least a minuscule portion of politeness.
On top of that I have to purchase elsewhere other items of a better quality to replace the overpriced sweepings from Poundtoy !

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