
Read 2 Reviews of Buddhagroove.com to check if it is legit.

Website & Phone: Newark Avenue 930 Jersey City 07306 United States

8 months ago

I received a damaged and defective product from Buddha Groove in NJ…once returned back, they stated that I had sent it back to them damaged and wanted me to file a claim with Federal Express. This is not an honest company and will never do business with them again.


9 years ago

Bought a pendant: as advertised, prompt delivery

Is Buddhagroove.com legit or scam? Can I trust Buddhagroove.com?

Our user(s) provided the above reviews and comments against Buddhagroove.com, and they have been published as-is. We do not edit, change, or remove user-generated content. There is no amount of money that a company can pay to have their reviews or complaints manipulated, and we will not erase the Buddhagroove.com reviews at any cost.

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