Car Enhancement

Read 2 Reviews of Car Enhancement to check if it is legit.

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1 year ago

you could stop riding my rear end on the M621 motorway in a 50 zone forcing me all the way up to 80mph and then still flashing headlights at me to move or go faster.. There is only 2 lanes where do you want me to go..?? HAVE you no regard for the law or safety of other road users .. I felt bullied, intimidated and scared and feared for my own safety and other law abiding citizens safety. ford transit 09/07/2019 at 4.50pm .. NOT REALLY THE BRIGHTEST IDEA WHEN YOUR VAN HAS YOUR COMPANY DETAILS SPLASHED ALL OVER FROM FRONT TO REAR AND A PRIVATE NUMBER PLATE EASY TO TRACE Do you not have children yourself ? imagine the carnage if you had hit me and caused a childs death


2 years ago

Excellent service good quality parts and spares

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