
Read 1 Review of Cention.com to check if it is legit.

Website & Phone: Menara Worldwide, 198, Jalan Bukit Bintang. Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia
+46 8446 808 88

8 months ago

Cention bring together all communication channels into one seamless pure omni-channel software giving your business a full 360掳 view of all our customer interaction. Whether it鈥檚 call, SMS, email, chat or even social media, route all customer queries (errands) to the right queue and suitable agents.

With Cention, they have chatbots working along with your agents, seamless transfers and full history. Agents can collaborate and gain full statistics with our extended, over the top reports function.

It鈥檚 simple and efficient.

Is Cention.com legit or scam? Can I trust Cention.com?

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