
Read 2 Reviews of Chillisky to check if it is legit.

Website & Phone: 23 Milner Street ,Paarden Eiland Cape Town 7405 South Africa
021 565 0470

4 months ago

Good day

I hope this email finds you well.
I found the brand from my neighborhood friend that stays in New Brighton.

As I saw the unique and the stylish designs of the Ske jacket I was so interested to the brand it self.

I love the jacket and the brand as I rock it on the streets people are asking me where did I get it it give me more confidence.

Kindly regards
Ayanda Mhlambiso
073 5658 071


5 months ago

Love the products. Big box of cereal, last long. Delicious bars. Easy for on the go or in a rush early morning.

Is Chillisky legit or scam? Can I trust Chillisky?

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