
Read 1 Review of Coffeebs to check if it is legit.

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3 years ago

He comprado un articulo en el dia 27/9 inmediatamente se efectu贸 el cargo en mi cuenta. En su pagina web dice que mi orden esta en Proceso y desde ese dia no ha cambiado de estatus. Me he contactado dos veces al email de confirmacion del pedido solicitando mi factura y el n煤mero de seguimiento del pedido sin obtener respuesta. Tengo sospechas acerca de la veracidad de la empresa!!!!! Espero que se contacte conmigo y que ll茅gue la compra!!!!!

I bought an article on on 27/9 immediately the charge was made to my account. In his web page he says that my order is in Process and since that day he has not changed his status. I have contacted the order confirmation email twice requesting my invoice and the tracking number of the order without getting a response. I have suspicions about the veracity of the company !!!!! I hope you get in touch with me and get the purchase !!!!

Is Coffeebs legit or scam? Can I trust Coffeebs?

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