
Read 3 Reviews of Comcast to check if it is legit.

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1 year ago

every time i call comcast to speak with an agent, i get the automated system, which is normal, but to get to the agent is almost impossible. i've complained in the past, but nothing seems to get done. i wish there were more choices out there. i would definitely dump this company i there were more choices.


3 years ago

I already had Internet service with them. Their salesperson called me and offered switching my phone service to Comcast. She said I would get a full featured line. Only to find out after talking me to sign the contract and after the installation that my phone line does not have Voicemail anymore. Because Full Feature according to Comcast does not have many features including voicemail that the sell separately. Their customer service personnel was rude and incapable to assist. Many hidden charges that show up after you sign the contract. I would not recommend Comcast at all and will stay away from them at the earliest option.


3 years ago

Changed my service location in December 2016. am still being charge for the old account 3 months later. It is impossible to deal with them. They refuse to refund my money I over paid (We will send you a check) and cannot get my new account right either. Constantly shutting off my service for non payment of OLD account. Which I do not owe. They have shut off my service 5 times in 1 month. and I have to spend hours on the phone trying to explain what the problems are to 3 or 4 different people. Do not use Comcast business if you don't have to. They cannot get anything right. And absolutely will not call you back even if they say they will.

Is Comcast legit or scam? Can I trust Comcast?

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