
Read 5 Reviews of Csgorare to check if it is legit.

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7 months ago

You can gamble with your skins but you can withdraw them.
My inventory there with skins I cant withdraw.


8 months ago

Great site, i won there 300$, idk why guys say that it`s scam.


8 months ago

Seems like a scam. Enter at your own risk


8 months ago

I don鈥檛 know what people are talking about from below, but I need to distinguish between a phishing site and a non-phishing site. Just to get started, log in to the Steam site and then to the Roulette website


9 months ago

This website is totally SCAM. If you log in you will loose your steam account.
Es una total ESTAFA, te quieren robar los datos de tu cuenta de steam cuando inicias sesi贸n.

Is Csgorare legit or scam? Can I trust Csgorare?

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