
Read 4 Reviews of Dailyedeals.Com to check if it is legit.

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3 years ago

Ordered a new chromebook, but site was set up to place it for a refurbished one. A total scam to get rid of refurbished units by advertising them as new. Accepted return but would not pay for return postage.


6 years ago

Great website! got some amazing deals that save me a lot of money.


8 years ago

i love this website! it's such a great concept and i look forward to seeing what the daily deal is everyday.


10 years ago

A lot like dailydeals.com in a sense that the site directs you to the official website and you make a purchase from the official retailer. The top deals and online coupons are great finds that I feel many people would be interested in.

Is Dailyedeals.Com legit or scam? Can I trust Dailyedeals.Com?

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