
8 months ago

When I questioned their teaching qualifications and accreditation, I was refused training and threatened to be sued for defamation. Total scam!


8 months ago

Company advertised a Plasma course with FREE kit. Failed to deliver the kit to some of the candidates and prevented a specific candidate from completing the course ( since there was no kit available) and offered a 2p refund!

Furthermore claimed that viewing course material for a total of 14 minutes constituted completing their accredited course? Gross misrepresentation. Not to be trusted.
They also claim to have 23 years experience but Dermalstheticsgroup has only been registered in the UK since 2018? The "course " consists of 2 pages of typed information,which information you can get for FREE from companies like Voltaic Plasma/Areton Ltd. So they claimed a course had been completed without any practical on that basis.

They also claim their course is accredited by a body no one has heard of in the UK.
When you sign up to their course they also insist you sign up as a business, (so that you cannot enforce the consumer act.)
Look at their terms and conditions, where they try and enforce unilateral changes in the delivery of the course as and when they please, saying that whatever they promise at the time of sale can be changed at their discretion, which is exactly what transpired. This is not an ethical company by a long shot and the law will surely catch up with them.
(They are under investigation as I write this review.)