
Read 3 Reviews of Escortforpleasure to check if it is legit.

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2 years ago

I had very good experience with the site and the service! The photos on the site represent real people and the process itself is discreet, respectful and professional. Definitely earned my trust and will definitely use it again if I need someone to accompany me when I am in Switzerland.

Best regards,



3 years ago

I've had an excellent experience with escortforpleasure! I've spent an unforgettable evening with Sandra in Zurich. She is exactly as on the pictures. I was very surprised… ( use to have other agencies but many times came completely another lady as on the picture unfortunately). Great management, arrangements are exactly precise and reliable. I can recommend this agency for everyone!


4 years ago

I am completely satisfied with all!! TOP girls, TOP service, TOP manager!

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