
Read 4 Reviews of Extra.com to check if it is legit.

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2 months ago

bad service, incorrect delivery dates and very poor customer service


3 months ago

The purpose of Pre-order is to receive it on time. Extra Stores took the money saying it will be delivered on 13th Nov, and after placing the order, they removed the delivery date. After contacting them when you did not receive the item on the promised date, they do not care. If you were incompetent, you should not have took the Pre-order, I could have done with a different vendor. But you took the money and did not deliver on the date promised. And your customer service is worse than despicable. You are not providing any update on the pre-order – which means you stole the money.


3 months ago

poor customer service


10 months ago

It is a really bad website, I ordered a TV and then ended up cancelling the order due to delay of delivery; two weeks later I got an email that the order has been delivered! I did not collect it and no one was at home that day.
I tried to call them but with no luck and they have no email address. I texted them on Twitter, but they don't respond to direct messages, they only answer Tweets and say "please send us your contact details on DM, and we will be in touch soon" but guess what they don't answer your message and they don't call you. I lost the money I paid on the TV, however I reported them to the local ministry of commerce and I trust the ministry will take action.

Is Extra.com legit or scam? Can I trust Extra.com?

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