Featherstone Leigh

Read 1 Review of Featherstone Leigh to check if it is legit.

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2 months ago

Very disappointing experience. They over promise and under deliver. We had been warned that they sometimes send the "lady from the Richmond office" Sophie, who will tell a great story of how awful other agents are and how she will be available whenever needed. When I said other agents had heard this before, and she just disappeared, she told me she had been furloughed. What was her excuse this time? After hounding us daily to leave the other estate agent, she ghosted us once it was done. As for the others. Had to email Matt the assistant director several times to correct the spelling of our housing details. Communication was terrible. We were told of some viewings after the event. We had felt that the agent was working for our buyer not us, but having spoken to her, sounds like he was pretty poor there too. We sold the house, yes, but for less than the agent has suggested. Glad it's over. It is galling to think how much they earned, given the low quality of the little they did

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