
2 years ago

Good site with great information. The site's flagged because liberal idiots don't like things that expose their shenanigans鈥?


3 years ago

This site is safe from a security standpoint, and also from a worldview point. There is nothing unethical or misleading present. The main issue is that the site takes a Godly, Biblical perspective to many world issues. Too many liberals are leaving butthurt comments because they can't handle the fact that they are in rebellion to God, and are always looking for a dissenting body of people to attack.


4 years ago

The site is "safe" in so far as there is no phishing, adware, or malware. This is good news.

Be aware, however, that the claims are made from a quite dogmatic Catholic view and are unfortunately completely lacking ANY credible scientific evidence! Therefore, you'd do best to bear in mind that those behind the site are more than willing to pervert their "pro-life" ethos in order to deliberately lie to and misinform the public i.e. to claim that vaccinations are linked to abortions, just for starters.


5 years ago

This site is actually safe, it may had information that is false but its not a bad site.


6 years ago

Site itself is just fine. If you don't like the particular 'Worldview', it is simply dishonest to say the site is not 'trustworthy'. This is a freedom of speech issue. Site is just fine.


6 years ago

There isn't a damn thing wrong with this site. However since it contains conservative and common sense information liberal trolls have nothing better to do than try to trash it. It's abuse such as this that makes WOT ratings questionable.


6 years ago

Someone has been giving this site negative ratings because they don't agree with the content.


6 years ago

Informative site with no personal agenda, nothing to sell and no porn. A safe site for all.


6 years ago

People like to try and blacklist sites that don't share their political views, hence the bad ratings. The site is fine; censorship, however, shouldn't be. It's a shame we still have to worry about such things, but some people wouldn't have it any worse.


6 years ago

Website has a conservative bias but seems honest about it, encouraging independent confirmation. I agree with other rating that negative rating is possibly 'dirty tricks' by political opponents, ie, the left.


6 years ago

Negative opinion by political opponent looking to steer people away from site,