Florida Health Alert & Technology

Read 1 Review of Florida Health Alert & Technology to check if it is legit.

Website & Phone: 850 Teague Trail #1944 The Villages 32158 United States

9 months ago

RescueTouch offers a top notch AND unique product and their service backing it up is equally impressive. After much research, the feature that stood out to me was the ability for me (and others) to call my blind mom through the pendant! And, she can call me directly at the touch of a button. This feature eliminated her reluctance and has been a boon when I鈥檓 running late or she wants a quick word.
What I didn鈥檛 know, when doing my research, was that Scott and his entire staff are absolutely dedicated, competent and caring. Service is instantaneous, and, when every second can counts, this is crucial. In addition, when the SOS button is activated, my brothers and I get instant alerts and can call mom on the pendant! If the company can鈥檛 reach mom on the pendant, they call her landline, then my cell. We had one incident when they couldn鈥檛 talk to anyone to confirm that mom was ok – EMTs were there in 9 minutes.
Would love to see a watch version, as mom has a lipoma on her neck . We replaced the lanyard with one made from cotton yarn.
We have had this system for over a year now and recommend it highly.

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