
Read 2 Reviews of Gogreen.live to check if it is legit.

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2 years ago

This and its affiliated dealsfrom.info generate a ton of spam email. They forge email headers to circumvent spam filters and do not honor unsubscribe requests. The website pushes shady fake chatbot astrology websites, fake holiday letters (Santa, Easter Bunny, etc.), sketchy fake dating sites, fake "health" supplements, a scammy company that prints photos on canvas, a scammy company with an oxygen generator for people with breathing problems, and various other scammy products. This scammer needs to be shut down. Don't buy anything that includes associated with emails from this domain.


2 years ago

This and its affiliated dealsfrom.info generate a ton of spam email. They forge email headers to circumvent spam filters and do not honor unsubscribe requests. The website pushes shady fake chatbot astrology websites, fake holiday letters (Santa, Easter Bunny, etc.), sketchy fake dating sites, fake "health" supplements, a scammy company that prints photos on canvas, a scammy company with an oxygen generator for people with breathing problems, and various other scammy products. This scammer needs to be shut down. Don't buy anything that includes associated with emails from this domain.

Is Gogreen.live legit or scam? Can I trust Gogreen.live?

Our user(s) provided the above reviews and comments against Gogreen.live, and they have been published as-is. We do not edit, change, or remove user-generated content. There is no amount of money that a company can pay to have their reviews or complaints manipulated, and we will not erase the Gogreen.live reviews at any cost.

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