Read 5 Reviews of HIIZX.xyz to check if it is legit.

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1 year ago

E' una truffa, ti rubano tutti i soldi dalla carta di credito e non c'猫 modo contattare e di parlare con nessuno del supporto.
non comprate nulla da questo sito!!!

It's a scam, they steal all the money from your credit card and there's no way to contact and talk to anyone about the support.
don't buy anything from this site !!!


2 years ago

Its really good site


2 years ago

Trusted, very good.


2 years ago

So good i buy rp in lol and they send me code


2 years ago

They don`t send a CODES. You must every time ask support. Then maybe they send for you a CODE. They don`t do refund. So you pay money and if something go wrong they don`t start do refund.

Is HIIZX.xyz legit or scam? Can I trust HIIZX.xyz?

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