Impressions Vanity

Read 3 Reviews of Impressions Vanity to check if it is legit.

Website & Phone: Morgan Circle 1402 Tustin 92780 United States

5 months ago

I ordered my vanity and mirror and they deliver it in less than 5 days. Everything was in perfect condition. Great quality!


7 months ago

They cancelled my order instead of shipping my order after speaking with a them on Instagram. This was a birthday gift from my boyfriend that he ordered me MONTHS ago. They decided to randomly refund my order without explaining why, a week after customer service sent me a tracking number. This is definitely not a company I would want to support.


1 year ago

This company is horrible unprofessional and I'm shock because they have so many youtubers that support they stuff.. i purchase an item from them on tuesday and here it is sat i still haven't receive a tracking for the item…also i called them at 1038 am and no one is picking up their phone…disgusting and so disappointed because this was a christmas gift for my aunt who like a mother to me..

Is Impressions Vanity legit or scam? Can I trust Impressions Vanity?

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