
9 months ago

As others have stated, Infernalcapeservice is in the business to scam. I understand the risk of paying for an inferno cape and I've fully accepted my loss of over 1.3B Gp worth of items.

Like other victims, these crooks will access your screen via TeamViewer. Next, they will mess around with some of your settings as a distraction.
I'm sure they have other ways to make up excuses to grab a teleport tab or runes to teleport you to the wilderness.

With the ancient magicks spellbook, they will teleport you deep in the wilderness where they have a team ready to take you out as soon as you skull on them.

If you consider using them for any type of service, don't. They're obviously in it for a quick buck. If they would've done it legitimately, they would make more money in the long run.

For those who are willing to take the risk, please record a video of the entire process.


9 months ago

SCAM website stay away www infernalcapeservice com IS A SCAM WEBSITE DO NOT USE IT report it and STAY AWAY