InfoCare Service AB

4 months ago

Had the supreme misfortune of having them do the repairs and "service" of my laptop, they misplaced it or forgot about it for like a month (I checked the activity log, with staff from the store I was in business with for said service) and refused to even respond to when I (through the store) messaged them, requesting an update on the case. When I finally after about 1,5-2 MONTHS get my laptop back, I'm informed that they had to replace the motherboard – OK, good. problem fixed right? WRONG! as I start using it again I notice that my mouse pad isn't working properly anymore, after lengthy communication and support with the manufacturer we concluded that the most likely cause is that; when they replaced the motherboard, they neglected to properly reattach the internal cables connecting the motherboard to the mousepad. I am now sending it to the manufacturer's own workshop.. In Germany.